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He was intelligent and purposeful to a fault. No right at all.Ĭonfusion because I didn’t understand why Anton had said them in the first place. Not to mention, an engaged woman who was also his employee. Anton had no right to say those things to me, an engaged woman. It felt like every emotion possible was present and accounted for, although the loudest ones were anger and confusion. Shaking from the emotions that were spilling out of me. “Go f**k yourself, Anton,” I fired off before slamming the door and peeling out of the parking lot, never once checking the rearview mirror. “Every girl does.” And those words, paired with his expression, which was way too condescending for my liking, brought the words I’d been trying to keep under wraps right to the surface. I bit my cheek to keep from nailing him with words I’d regret later. “I respect you enough to tell you the truth,” he said, stepping to the side when I swung the door open. “You’ve got one hell of a way of showing respect for me,” I said, fumbling with my keys. “Out of respect for a guy who would kill you where you stood if he ever found out what you just said?” “But I won’t act on my attraction out of respect for-” If I didn’t reply, could I wake up tomorrow and pretend none of this had happened? I shoved through the revolving door and powered toward the Mazda. I want to pursue you, and I want you to want to be pursued by me.” I’ll take “Get a Clue” for a thousand, Alex. “So, yeah, there it is,” Anton said, rushing up beside me. I was out of those doors faster than I thought I could move. Thankfully, the elevator jostled to a stop and the doors opened. That look on his face, combined with the tone of his voice, made me wish I could put another five feet of space between us. Believe me, that’s not what’s stopping me from pursuing you.” “And I’ve been in relationships with my sister’s friends. “I’ve been in relationships with women who have worked with me, Lucy,” he said, looking at me too intently. “Because,” the genius inside me answered. His calm, one-word replies were starting to piss me off. You can’t look at me like that, or say those kinds of things to me.” And because of the things you say.” I took a couple steps back until I was up against the elevator wall. “Because of the way you’re looking at me right now. I found it hard to believe that he needed to ask me why. “When you ask those kinds of questions, yeah, you do,” I said, almost bolting inside the elevator as soon as the doors opened.Īnton took one giant step inside and stopped in front of me. “Do I make you uncomfortable?” Anton asked. We walked in silence to the elevator, and our silence dragged on while we waited for it.

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